The filter of your AC unit helps to keep the air clean and prevent pollutants and contaminants from getting into your home.
Therefore, it’s important that you always keep it in the best condition for as long as possible. However, like every part of the AC unit, the filter is prone to wear and tear, as well as other forms of damage.
One of the most common concerns you will run with an AC unit is a clogged filter, which is a problem that can accumulate throughout the year.
When the filter becomes clogged, it will reduce the energy efficiency, performance, and air quality produced by the AC unit. Therefore, you should know how to take care of your air filter so that you can maintain it in the best condition for as long as possible.
Luckily for you consumers, it’s quite easy to care for your air filter and that’s what we will discuss in this article. So without further ado, let’s get to it.
The reason why you would want to take care of this issue as soon as possible is that if you leave the filter clogged, it will cause significant damage to your AC unit.
For example, the dirt particles may get into the coolant coil and gets frozen. This can lead to the unit being unable to function at its maximum capacity, and when the dust pile gets bigger, it can put excess stress on the unit, causing it to become permanently damaged.
Additionally, when these dust piles become damp, it can create the perfect environment for molds to grow, which can lead to a plethora of other issues.
The first thing you should do when you notice that the filter might have become clogged is to check whether you can clean it or if you need to replace it.
If the filter isn’t damaged but just dirty, you can remove it and clean it out with a hose. If there are some stains or stubborn dust piles on the filter, you may need to use a mild soap to clean the stains off.
However, if you notice that there’s a tear in the mesh or if the filter hasn’t been changed in decades, then it’s in your best interest to replace it with a newer one.
AC air filters aren’t at all expensive, as they usually range from anywhere from $20 to $50 depending on the size, build, and model. Therefore, it’s in your best interest to buy a new one and replace the worn one with it.
The process of removing and refitting the new filter can be done rather easily.
First, you will need to have protective gloves and masks to prevent contact with dust and molds. Once you have all the equipment ready, remove the front cover which will reveal the air filter. Then, you can inspect the condition of the air filter to see if you need to replace it. If that’s the case, then put the old one aside and place the new one the same way you removed the used one.
If you’re looking for a HVAC repair service in Texas, Kleen Air Services is your best option. Contact us today and see what we can do for you.
811 E. Plano Parkway Suite 105
Plano, TX, 75074
Registered by the Texas Dept. Of Licensing & Regulation PO BOX 12157 Austin, TX. 78711
811 E. Plano Parkway Suite 105
Plano, TX, 75074
Registered by the Texas Dept. Of Licensing & Regulation PO BOX 12157 Austin, TX. 78711