When trying to maintain your home, there’s no doubt that there are often quite a long list of things to worry about. Whether it’s the cracked tiles, the squeaky hinges, or leaky pipes, the amount of things just waiting to be addressed could be seemingly-endless and might take quite a while to go over once your budget is ready. That being said, amidst the mountain of maintenance tasks you’ll have to take on, there’s definitely one question you should definitely think about: is it time to replace your thermostat?
The reality of having a thermostat
While it might seem like your thermostat is bulletproof and can stand the test of time with ease, it’s actually one of the aspects of your home’s technology that you have to watch out for in terms of maintenance and replacement. Although it might seem completely unnecessary, checking on the status of your air conditioner’s thermostat is vital for having a fully-functioning home that won’t give you any unexpected trouble along the way.
Without further ado, let’s answer the important question at hand: is it time to replace your thermostat?
In order to answer this question, you’ll have to look at several key factors:
● The type of thermostat that you have in your home
● The kinds of problems that you’re currently experiencing with your thermostat and central air system
● The severity of your thermostat’s problems and the issues of your central air system
Depending on the outcome of these questions, you’ll either have to simply repair your thermostat or replace it entirely. The type of thermostat that you have is one of the main factors that you need to consider when dealing with replacement deadlines, so it’s important to do your research, consult with a professional technician, and check your manual to see the useful life your thermostat. While some issues may be fixed with a few adjustments, minor repairs, or part replacements, other issues will require you to replace your thermostat entirely in order to restore peace and order to your home’s
What are the signs that you should be watching out for?
In order to prevent your thermostat from being counterproductive and wreaking havoc on your home when functioning way past its replacement deadline, there are several signs that you’ll have to watch out for in order to tell when it’s time for a change.
One clear sign is the lack of intended hot or cold air coming from your vents. If you raise or lower your temperature settings to no avail, then it’s a sign that your thermostat isn’t doing what it’s supposed to in order to control the comfort of your room.
Another sign to watch out for is if your central air starts and stops intermittently without a press of a button, as it basically means that your thermostat is failing to maintain the needed electricity for everything to function over long periods of time.
On the other hand, one of the most minute, yet obvious signs is when your thermostat display fails to light-up. This is a classic symptom of an electronic device not working at all due to having insufficient (or even a lack of) electricity running through it to make everything work.